Week 10
Day 1 Continued writing paper. Finalized ideas and diagrams. Day 2 Reviewed poster for presentation. Day 3 Poster presentation at MIDSURE...
Day 1 Continued writing paper. Finalized ideas and diagrams. Day 2 Reviewed poster for presentation. Day 3 Poster presentation at MIDSURE...
Day 1 - 2 Continued running experiments on PA dataset. Day 3 Continued writing paper. Began literature searching. Also started...
●Day 1 ○ I continued working on introduction for paper ●Day 2 - 3 ○ I arranged ASV PA and SmilesLab dataset for experiments ○ I began...
●Day 1 ○ I continued extracting features from student dataset ●Day 2 ○ I designed several experiments to perform on extracted features ○...
●Day 1 - 2 ○ I finalized the abstract and registered for MIDSURE ○ I continued to record and cut replay samples ○ I analyzed SVM model...
Day 1 - 2 ○ I continued with feature extracting ○ Continued completing diagrams Day 3 - 4 ○ I started experimenting with Machine Learning...
Day 1-2 ○ I continued reading up on SVM models and RBF kernels ○ I also looked into ECOC models which make SVM, a binary classifier, a...
Day 2: I spent most of this day spending time looking at a bunch of research papers that had models and diagrams of BiLSTM layers. I...
So I completely forgot about this website since the last time I posted. And now it's pretty much the end of the program. I'll divide...
Today was kind of slow. I wasn't feeling well. But I still was pretty productive! I finished the feature extractions for the audio...
Today we presented in the morning. Mine went pretty well! I thought I had a nice balance of words and graphics. Later, Dr. Ali showed me...
The training didn't finish, so I didn't get to test. Instead, Dr. Ali is using a VM to test. We'll see what happens tomorrow. I met with...
My computer was able to finish training yesterday so the first half of today was spent testing. The results we got were somewhat similar...
We started looking into training the machine with only original and first order replay samples. We ran into a lot of problems with memory...
This was the weekend (longer weekend since memorial day)! Had lots of fun with friends :)
We were assigned projects based on our rankings. I met Dr. Malik and Dr. Ali and discussed our initial plan for the project. I read some...
This was the start of the program. We received orientation/introduction to the program on the first day. Throughout the next few days, we...